Published - 12 Nov 18
The MoU team Terms of Reference are available here
The Articles of Association agreed at the AGM in 2018 included a new Article (16.2) requiring that “The National Council and the Board will agree a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to ensure communications between both bodies are timely and appropriate to allow both bodies to understand the proposed actions and intent of each party.”
This work is being conducted as part of the Governance Workstream and the MoU Team comprises:
- Andy Syme - NC Member;
- Carl Spencer - NC Member;
- Roger Fanner - Board and NC Member;
- Jonathan White - BMC Independent Member; and
- Roger Murray - ODG Independent Member
Progress Summary
The team have met 4 times. They will continue to meet on a weekly basis as long as is required.
The key milestones are:
- Basic structure, intent and scope of the MoU has been agreed. In particular the MoU Team believe that the aim of the MoU should be:
To provide agreement on the way in which the two parties want to work, for mutual benefit, focussing on ways of cooperation and communication to achieve the best outcomes for the BMC’s members.
- Work is ongoing to develop a Draft for circulation to NC and Board.
- In parallel, the team are reviewing the ‘underlying requirements’ for an MoU, identified prior to the AGM in 2018. The intent of this review is to ensure that where concerns were raised they are addressed in either the MoU or other appropriate BMC documentation (e.g. Policy, or Board and National Council Terms of Reference).
Next Steps
The work on the Draft MoU is continuing with the intent to have a Draft available to the Board and National Council in December 2018.
Once both bodies are happy with the MoU it will be shared with members.
If necessary there will then be a period of further discussion and review to ensure that the MoU is considered by the broad membership as appropriate and is acceptable to both the Board and National Council.
The intent is to have an MoU agreed by the NC and the Board before the AGM in 2019.
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