Since work began in December 2019, there has been huge progress towards restructuring and redefining National Council into a new “Members’ Council”. If the proposed new Council is voted in by members at the BMC’s 2021 AGM, it will succeed in:
- Making Council more representative of members’ interest, with the introduction of Nationally Elected Councillors (NECs) for national issues
- Embracing constituencies which currently don’t have a voice, such as the 28% of members who are also members of Mountain Training
- Strengthening the link between specialist committees and Council, with the introduction of votes for key committees and greater interaction across the Council’s annual calendar
- Making Council a more effective body, with newly defined procedures and working practices
- Holding the Board to account in a more dynamic and interactive way than at present, for example through the creation of a co-ordinated annual meeting cycle
Please read the attached for the June 2020 update on the work of the R33 group.
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