The most recent ODG Terms of Reference had its main objective as:
‘Make recommendations to the Board in order to allow the Board to implement organisational change in line with the spirit of the recommendations of the ORG. This will also include those issues identified and discussed, but not addressed, in the lead up to the AGM 2018, during Stage 1 of the implementation’
It is recognized that there is an increasing degree of ODG fatigue in terms of membership consultation on, the often, complicated papers to deliver aspects of ORG recommendations. Further the actual implementation of the changes is not what ODG is about and we need to move responsibility to those who can now deliver on our behalf, allowing ODG to move to its final stage of organisational change.
A lot of work has gone into the ODG work both by staff and volunteers and the increase in membership fee last year was in part to fund ODG recommended changes, therefore we have a duty to demonstrate to our members the benefits accrued as a result of the changes undertaken.
This paper proposes a way forward to enable us to address these issues with a two pronged approach.
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